
On navigating the current times with tariffs

These past few weeks have been interesting for us over here at the Hut. It has presented us with some really difficult decisions. And like everything in life, our decision...

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How we run our shop. Keeping it clean and green when we can.

The pictures not that exciting is it? But as time goes by I realize how critical it is that businesses share what it is they do, not in a grandstanding way, but...

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Understanding Harvest Times

  Understanding Harvest times Many folks don't realize that most nuts and seeds are harvested just ONCE a year. Macadamia nuts are an exception because they have a longer harvest...

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Sand, the scariness of the looming scarcity ...

Over the years we have been trying to find a "best solutions" for what to use to bag our food items with. Many folks have suggested glass jars for the...

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North By Northwest Interview

We have updated our tahini, sesame seeds chocolate chip cookie recipe that we shared on the North By Northwest episode that we had the amazing opportunity to be on with Sheryl MacKay on January...

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Benefits of Agroecology on Farmers in Brazil

Reading stories of farmers exploring different ways of growing crops using more sustainable techniques for the land and themselves and seeing positive results is what we are here for: "Amaral...

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It's SPOTTED walnut season

A little walnut education for us all:What is this we are seeing in our new batch of walnuts? Well, first off, it's NOT MOULD. Phew, now why haven't we seen...

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How our love of avocados is wreaking havoc on the environment.

As a person that supports healthy eating it's not lost on me that the avocado has become a staple in most people's kitchens. The healthy fats, the delicious flavour and texture, all combine to make it one of the more popular foods.

Where our food comes from matters. It's not just important that we nourish ourselves well, but we must also ensure that the food that we eat doesn't negatively affect the environment that it comes from.

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Great Info on Floating Through Allergy Season!

My lovely friend Todd Caldecott, Clinical herbalist, Ayurveda practitioner sent out his most recent newsletter today. And, it made me clap my hands! For those of you that suffer from...

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How our bodies have changed in response to lifestyle - Shrinking Jaws

Most of my adult life has been spent studying the human body in all its myriad permutations. From movement to diet and all the messiness in between. I spent well...

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Great Food-Based Podcasts to Listen to

As you can imagine, I spend a lot of time bagging nuts, so one of my favourite things to do is listen to podcasts while bagging, mopping and cleaning shop....

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November News at the NUT•HUT

Read our newsletter here and remember to subscribe to it as well to learn more about what's happening at our shop and to get access to discounts too!

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Nut arrivals and cycles

We are back to our native pecan after running out of our mammoth pecans -which were delicious as those of you that tasted them know. So we reached out to a cooperative that...

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Nut Flavours and Soil Health

Every season nuts will taste a bit different. The variation in flavour from season to season can depend on factors such as temperature and rainfall. The flavour of a nut is...

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The Hazards of the Commercial Nut Industry – Food Matters

This article about the almond farming industry really helps to shine a light on why organic farming of ALMONDS in particular is critical. Nuts like hazelnuts do not rely on...

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Fresh Nuts

People often assume a soft nut is a stale nut and a crunchy nut is a fresh nut. This is not always true!    A freshly harvested nut can be...

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How Our Food Choices Matter

All food choices have consequences. Our love of avocados (which in Mexico are known as "green gold") are wreaking havoc on the environment, because they have had to increase production...

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Turkish Hazelnut Industry Exploiting Workers

This article here was in the New York Times in April. It’s well worth the read. One of the reasons we do what we do is because how people are treated in order to bring their food to us matters so much. Globally it needs to matter more.
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Shipping Nuts in Warmer Months

As the temperatures rise, customers often contact us with questions about the effects of heat on their nuts during shipping. First of all, keeping your nuts and seeds as fresh as possible...

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Walnuts May Improve Gut Bacteria!

"Walnuts have been called a 'superfood' because they are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linoleic acid and fiber, and they contain one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants," notes Dr. Byerley. "Now, an additional superfood benefit of walnuts may be their beneficial changes to the gut microbiota.
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